Based on wind and weather projections and to minimize the risk of forest fires, officials predict outdoor burning will not be allowed until further notice. The burn restrictions map at is updated daily at 1:30pm, and anyone planning an outdoor burn must consult the map before burning to confirm if burning is allowed. Currently, weather conditions do not allow for brush burning.
Penalties have increased for illegal burns, up to $50,000 in some cases.
Forestry officials have been assessing and all public lands for forest fire risk and are at work cleaning up downed trees, dealing with higher risk areas first. Officials are creating fire breaks against any high-risk infrastructure like homes, using principles of the nationalFireSmart program.
The provincial government announced a new $550,000 forest fire prevention fund in its latest operating budget.
Several PEI forest fire fighters are currently deployed to assist other provinces dealing with forest fires. There is one fire fighter in Alberta now. A team of five fire fighters headed to Nova Scotia Monday, along with extra equipment that Nova Scotia has requested.