Ginette Petitpas Taylor, the Minister responsible for ACOA, has announced close to $3 million in Tourism Relief Fund support for 22 projects with businesses and organizations across PEI. That’s in addition to $2.3 million in previously announced Tourism Relief Fund contributions to 26 Island businesses since the program launched in July of 2021. In making the announcement, Petitpas Taylor showcased projects from across the province that demonstrate the Fund’s focus on developing innovative tourism products for the growing market of active visitors looking for soft adventure experiences.
- $60,390 to Epic Electric Scooters, Inc. to increase its equipment inventory and expand its operations in Charlottetown, Summerside and Cavendish.
- $54,600 to Nellie’s Landing Marina to upgrade its facilities in Murray Harbour and add a fleet of E-bikes for guests staying at the on-water accommodations.
- $18,500 to PEI Cycling Tours, Inc. to modernize and enhance its storage facilities and create a viewing platform at the Mark Arendz Mountain Biking Park.
- $17,666 to Tranquility Cove Adventures to upgrade its experiential shellfish harvesting operation and add a new Spring and Fall Oyster Tonging tour experience.