Voter turnout was just over 13-thousand or 12.6% for the first advance poll day in the 2023 provincial election.
Over 105-thousand Islanders are eligible to vote in this election across the province.
The largest turnout on the first Advance Poll day was in District 20, Kensington-Malpeque where 785 or 19.3% of voters turned out. Most districts saw voter turnout of 10% or higher for Saturday’s advance poll.
Advance polls will be held today and Friday this week in the 27 districts. Polls will be open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. both days.
Regular voting day is set for Monday, April 3rd, a week from today.
That Voter Information Card has all the details you need on your poll location for the advance polls and election day. You should bring that card with you, along with some ID when you go to vote.